Course Syllabus


CS 6958 / CS 4960 - Machine Learning Security

  Instructor: Guanhong Tao Credit Hours: 3.0
  Department: Kahlert School of Computing Semester: Fall 2024
  Office: MEB 3470 Type: In Person
  Days / Times: TuTh / 03:40PM - 05:00PM Location: JWB 333
  Pre-requisites: 'C-' or better in CS 3190 Found. of Data Analysis AND CS 3500 Software Practice    
  Communication & Office Hours:  Review the "Communication" section below for more information.

Course Description


Course CS 6958 / CS 4960 - Machine Learning Security
Department Kahlert School of Computing
Pre-Requisites 'C-' or better in CS 3190 Found. of Data Analysis AND CS 3500 Software Practice
Credit Hours 3.0
Semester Fall 2024
Days / Times TuTh / 03:40PM - 05:00PM
Location: JWB 333
Description Machine learning (ML) has been widely integrated into various real-world systems, such as facial recognition, object detection, and autonomous driving. However, the security and safety of these ML-based systems are still of great concern, as adversaries can easily manipulate their behaviors. This course will provide an introduction to the intersection of two ubiquitous concepts: security and machine learning. It will cover key learning algorithms and techniques, the security problems of modern ML models (i.e., adversarial attacks and backdoor threats), practical defense solutions against various attacks, and more.

Goals & Objectives

This course covers the principles and practices of the interactions between machine learning and security, including examining the security properties of modern ML models and applying ML to address software and system security problems. The course begins with an introduction to the foundations of ML and modern deep learning models, such as transformers, and their applications in solving security problems. The later modules focus on crucial security properties of ML models, specifically adversarial robustness and backdoor threats. Hands-on coding assignments using popular ML libraries like PyTorch are included to provide students with practical experience. Additionally, the course aims to inspire the exploration of advanced challenges in the field by reviewing recent papers from top-tier conferences. By the end of the course, students will be equipped to evaluate ML systems in academic and commercial security contexts and will have foundational skills in security and ML research.

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand modern ML algorithms
  • Gain knowledge in applying ML to security and exploring the security of ML
  • Obtain foundational skills in security and ML research


There is no official textbook for the class. Slides will be provided and reading materials for each topic will be assigned from the following references:

Recommended Texts

  • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Christopher Bishop, Springer (2006)
  • Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective, Kevin P Murphy, MIT Press (2012)
  • Deep Learning, Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville, MIT press (2016)


Preferred Contact Methods

The easiest way to contact your instructor directly is to use the Inbox, located in the far left Canvas menu.

You can also contact your instructor in the following way:

Office Hours

The instructor will hold office hours according to the following schedule:

Day: Tuesday

Time: 5PM - 6PM


Your performance in this course will be evaluated by:

  • 10% Attendance & In-class Quizzes
  • 30% Homework (3 coding assignments)
  • 20% Paper Review
  • 20% Midterm Exam
  • 20% Final Exam


Background: The Basics of Machine Learning
Week 1 (Aug 19 - Aug 23) Tue - Course Overview, Logistics, and Introduction to ML Reading: Chapter 5 of Deep Learning
Thu - Introduction to ML (Cont.)
Part 1: Machine Learning Algorithms for Security
Week 2 (Aug 26 - Aug 30) Tue - Linear Regression Reading: Chapter 7 of Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective

Thu - Linear Regression (Cont.)

Homework #1 (Due 9/15/2024 11:59 PM)

Week 3 (Sep 2 - Sep 6) Tue - Regularization Reading: Chapter 8 of Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective

Thu - Logistic Regressions

Paper Review #1 (Due 9/19/2024, 11:59 PM)

Week 4 (Sep 9 - Sep 13) Tue - Nearest Neighbors A Course in Machine Learning Chapter 3 (except Section 3.4).
Thu - Clustering
Week 5 (Sep 16 - Sep 20) Tue - Artificial Neural Networks Reading: Chapter 6-8 of Deep Learning

Thu - Multi-layer Perceptron

Homework #2 (Due 10/6/2024 11:59 PM)

Week 6 (Sep 23 - Sep 27) Tue - Recurrent Neural Networks Reading: Chapter 10 of Deep Learning
Thu - Invited Talk (Prof. Wenbo Guo, UCSB)
Week 7 (Sep 30 - Oct 4) Tue - Convolutional Neural Networks

Reading: Chapter 9 of Deep Learning

Attention Is All You Need

Thu - Attention-based Transformers

Paper Review #2 (Due 10/27/2024, 11:59 PM)

Week 8 (Oct 7 - Oct 12) Fall Break
Week 9 (Oct 14 - Oct 18) Tue - Review Part 1  Covers all topics in Part 1
Thu - Midterm Exam
Part 2: Security of Machine Learning Systems
Week 10 (Oct 21 - Oct 25) Tue - Overview of Key Concepts

Saltzer’s and Schroeder’s Design Principles

BadNets: Identifying Vulnerabilities in the Machine Learning Model Supply

Thu - Backdoor Attacks

Homework #3 (Due 11/24/2024 11:59 PM)

Week 11 (Oct 28 - Nov 1) Tue - Invited Talk (Prof. Eugene Bagdasaryan, UMass Amherst) Trojaning Attack on Neural Networks
Thu - Backdoor Attacks (Cont.)
Week 12 (Nov 4 - Nov 8) Tue - Invited Talk (Guangyu Shen, Purdue) Neural Cleanse: Identifying and Mitigating Backdoor Attacks in Neural Networks
Thu - Backdoor Defenses
Week 13 (Nov 11 - Nov 15) Tue - Adversarial Attacks Adversarial Robustness - Theory and Practice
Thu - Black-Box Attacks
Week 14 (Nov 18 - Nov 22) Tue - Defenses Against Adversarial Attacks Towards Deep Learning Models Resistant to Adversarial Attacks
Thu - Paper Review
Week 15 (Nov 25 - Nov 29) Tue - Security of Generative AI
Thu - Thanksgiving Break
Week 16 (Dec 3 - Dec 7) Tue - Review Part 2
Thu - No Class
Final Exam Covers all topics

Course Policies

Submitting Assignments


Each homework write-up must be neatly typeset as a PDF document. You can use LaTeX or any other system that produces typesetting of equal quality and legibility (especially for mathematical symbols and expressions). Please write your solutions as succinctly as possible while including all the necessary details. Ensure that the following appear at the top of the first page of the write-up: your name, your UID, and the ID’s of any students with whom you discussed the assignment. Submit your write-up as a single PDF file and corresponding code implementations (if any) on Canvas by 11:59 PM of the due date. It is your responsibility to ensure that the submission is successfully received by Canvas.

All assignments, unless otherwise announced, must be submitted to the designated area of
Canvas. Do not submit assignments via email.

Due Date Time

Assignments will be accepted up until 11:59 PM on the due date. The score for late homework is 0. Exceptions will be made in case of serious illness or bereavement. If a student has a planned absence from a class when an exam will be given, the student should make arrangements before the planned absence to take the exam early or take a makeup exam after returning to campus.

Grade Disputes

Feedback on graded material will be posted on Canvas in as timely a manner as possible. Once feedback for a graded assignment is posted, you will have 1 week from the posting date to dispute a grade. No re-grade requests will be honored after 1 week from posting feedback. Grade changes will not be made at the end of the semester.

Collaboration Policy

You are encouraged to discuss course materials and reading assignments, and homework assignments with each other in small groups (two to three people). You must list all discussants in your homework write-up. Discussion about homework assignments may include brainstorming and verbally discussing possible solution approaches, but must not go as far as one person telling others how to solve a problem. In addition, you must write-up your solutions by yourself, and you may not look at another student’s homework write-up/solutions (whether partial or complete).

Late Assignments

There is a total of 3 days of grace period available for late submissions across all assignments. You may use this grace period for any assignment. However, please note that the grace period is cumulative. Once the 3-day grace period has been fully used, any further late submissions will receive a score of 0, in accordance with the assignment policy.


Grades will be determined based on correctness and relevance to the assignments and questions. Pay close attention to the instructions and rubrics provided for each assignment/task.

Extra credit opportunities may be available throughout the course. These will be clearly communicated and typically involve additional research, attending relevant events, or completing supplementary assignments. Extra credit can contribute up to 5% additional points to the final grade.

Grading scale

Letter Scoring
A 100% - 94%
A- 93.9% - 90%
B+ 89.9% - 87%
B 86.9% - 84%
B- 83.9% - 80%
C+ 79.9% - 77%
C 76.9% - 74%
C- 73.9% - 70%
D 69.9% - 60%
E 59.9% - 0%



Accommodations will be considered on an individual basis and may require documentation.

Please contact your instructor as soon as possible (preferably shortly before the semester begins) to request accommodations of any kind.

Content Warnings

Please be aware that some materials and discussions within this course may contain challenging content. Your instructor may choose to notify students of potentially difficult content (e.g. explicit language, graphic images, violent themes, etc.) throughout the course.

If there are specific subjects that you need advanced notice for, please contact your instructor at the beginning of the semester.

Extreme personal circumstances

Please contact your instructor as soon as possible if an extreme personal circumstance
(hospitalization, death of a close relative, natural disaster, etc.) is interfering with your ability to
complete your work.

Religious Practice

To request an accommodation for religious practices, contact your instructor at the beginning of the semester.

Active Duty Military

If you are a student on active duty with the military and experience issues that prevent you from participating in the course because of deployment or service responsibilities, contact your instructor as soon as possible to discuss appropriate accommodations.

Disability Access

All written information in this course can be made available in an alternative format with prior notification to the Center for Disability Services (CDS). CDS will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations. Prior notice is appreciated. To read the full accommodations policy for the University of Utah, please see Section Q of the Instruction & Evaluation regulations.

If you will need accommodations in this class, contact:

Center for Disability Services
162 Union Building
    200 S. Central Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Changes to the Syllabus

This syllabus is not a contract. It is meant to serve as an outline and guide for your course. Please note that your instructor may modify it to accommodate the needs of your class.

You will be notified of any changes to the Syllabus.

University Policies

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services, and activities for people with disabilities.

All written information in this course can be made available in an alternative format with prior notification to the Center for Disability & Access (CDA). CDA will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations. Prior notice is appreciated. To read the full accommodations policy for the University of Utah, please see Section Q of the Instruction & Evaluation regulations.

In compliance with ADA requirements, some students may need to record course content. Any recordings of course content are for personal use only, should not be shared, and should never be made publicly available. In addition, recordings must be destroyed at the conclusion of the course.

If you will need accommodations in this class, or for more information about what support they provide, contact:

Center for Disability & Access

  disability.utah.eduLinks to an external site.
  162 Union Building
  200 S. Central Campus Dr.
  Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Safety at the U

The University of Utah values the safety of all campus community members. You will receive important emergency alerts and safety messages regarding campus safety via text message. For more safety information and to view available training resources, including helpful videos, visit

To report suspicious activity or to request a courtesy escort, contact:

Campus Police & Department of Public Safety

  801-585-COPS (801-585-2677)
  1735 E. S. Campus Dr.
  Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Addressing Sexual Misconduct

Title IX makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex and gender (which includes sexual orientation and gender identity/expression) is a civil rights offense subject to the same kinds of accountability and the same kinds of support applied to offenses against other protected categories such as race, national origin, color, religion, age, status as a person with a disability, veteran’s status, or genetic information.

If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted, you are encouraged to report it to university officials: 

Title IX Coordinator & Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action

  135 Park Building
  201 Presidents' Cir.
  Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Office of the Dean of Students

  270 Union Building
  200 S. Central Campus Dr.
  Salt Lake City, UT 84112

To file a police report, contact:

Campus Police & Department of Public Safety

  801-585-COPS (801-585-2677)
  1735 E. S. Campus Dr.
  Salt Lake City, UT 84112

If you do not feel comfortable reporting to authorities, the U's Victim-Survivor Advocates provide free, confidential, and trauma-informed support services to students, faculty, and staff who have experienced interpersonal violence.

To privately explore options and resources available to you with an advocate, contact:

Center for Student Wellness

  328 Student Services Building
  201 S. 1460 E.
  Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Academic Misconduct

It is expected that students comply with University of Utah policies regarding academic honesty, including but not limited to refraining from cheating, plagiarizing, misrepresenting one’s work, and/or inappropriately collaborating. This includes the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools without citation, documentation, or authorization. Students are expected to adhere to the prescribed professional and ethical standards of the profession/discipline for which they are preparing. Any student who engages in academic dishonesty or who violates the professional and ethical standards for their profession/discipline may be subject to academic sanctions as per the University of Utah’s Student Code: Policy 6-410: Student Academic Performance, Academic Conduct, and Professional and Ethical Conduct.

Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and may be punished by failure on an individual assignment, and/or failure in the course. Academic misconduct, according to the University of Utah Student Code:

“...Includes, but is not limited to, cheating, misrepresenting one’s work, inappropriately collaborating, plagiarism, and fabrication or falsification of information…It also includes facilitating academic misconduct by intentionally helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic misconduct.”

For details on plagiarism and other important course conduct issues, see the U's Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.