Course Syllabus

CS 7939 / ECE 6868 / ME EN 6892 Spring 2023 Robotics Seminar

The Robotics Seminar is held each Tuesday from 2pm to 2:55pm in WEB L102.

In the Robotics Seminar, you will be expected to write a one-paragraph summary of each talk, which will be graded on a 3-point scale. A good summary will provide the name of the speaker, a succinct summary of the topic of the talk, something that you found particularly interesting, and a (positive or negative) question that was remaining in your mind after the talk. This summary is due one hour after the seminar is finished. There is no way to make up missed seminars, but you are allowed to miss two seminars without penalty.

Below is the tentative (evolving) schedule for speakers this semester.

Date Speaker Affiliation
1/10/2022 No Seminar
1/17/2022 Seminar Logistics, Prof. Kuntz
1/24/2022 Ziad Al-Halah University of Utah
1/31/2022 Cristina Piazza Technical University of Munich (TUM)
2/7/2022 Yin Yang University of Utah
2/14/2022 Chelsea Finn Stanford University
2/21/2022 Zak Kingston Rice University
2/28/2022 Oren Salzman Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
3/7/2022 Spring Break
3/14/2022 Jie Ying Wu Vanderbilt University
3/21/2022 Josie Hughes EPFL
3/28/2022 Rhonda Nelson University of Utah
4/4/2022 Mahdi Tavakoli University of Alberta
4/11/2022 Animesh Garg NVIDIA
4/18/2022 Brenna Argall Northwestern University
4/25/2022 Zackory Erickson CMU

Course Summary:

Date Details Due