Course Syllabus

ATMOS 1000 Secrets of the Greatest Snow on Earth

Skier in deep powder

Blower pow in the Avenues Foothills near the University of Utah campus. © Jim Steenburgh.

Course Information

Jim Steenburgh
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
University of Utah
480/488 INSCC
Twitter: @ProfessorPowder

Teaching Assistants
Angelina Miller (
Clinton Alden (

Office Hours
These are times when the instructor or teaching assistants are available to answer your questions, provide assistance, or just talk about anything.  Please use the link below to join a zoom conference with your instructor or teaching assistants at the following times:

9-10 AM Tuesday
4-5 PM Wednesday
4-5 PM Thursdays (Includes a snow focused weather discussion for the weekend)
5-6 PM Saturday
5-6 PM Sunday

You may be placed temporarily in a waiting room if we are assisting other students. We are also available by appointment using the e-mail addresses above. 

Join URL
Passcode: powder

We will begin holding office hours after the official start of classes on January 10.

Weather Discussions
These are optional, but Professor Steenburgh will provide a snow-focused weather discussion for the weekend at the beginning of the 4 PM Thursday office hours.  Join, learn a bit more about mountain meteorology, and get the scoop for finding freshies over the weekend.  

Secrets of the Greatest Snow on Earth by Jim Steenburgh.  This book may be purchased through the Campus bookstore and is also available online through the Marriott Library.  Online access should be available if you are on the University of Utah network and is also possible off campus if you follow these directions (  Downloads, however, may be limited and images are not high resolution.  Please note that we cannot debug problems with online access. 

Cover of Secrets of the Greatest Snow on Earth

None.  This course is open to all students of any year in any major.  No prior background or experience needed.  Students should be comfortable reading maps like those provided by Google Earth and examining basic line and bar graphs.  

General Education
This course meets the Physical/Life Science Exploration (SF) requirement.

Course addresses the learning framework intersection: Persist in addressing complex problems


Meeting Times and Locations
Online via Canvas.  Work at your own schedule and pace, completing assignments prior to deadlines. 

Helpful Tips

  • Have questions?  Join our office hours using the zoom link and passcode above.  We are here for you!  Or, send Jim and e-mail and we will schedule an alternative time to meet.
  • The class videos include Annoto In-Video collaboration capabilities.  Ask questions, make comments, or take personal notes.  The Annoto window will cover the video when you first access it.  Click on the "x" at upper right to make the video viewable. 
  • Some of the images for the scenario based learning activities may be small.  In some cases, there are links to access larger ones.  If not, you can right click on the image and either open it in a new window or tab or download it to access a larger version. 

Outcomes & Methods

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Summarize the evidence supporting Utah’s claim to “The Greatest Snow on Earth”
  2. Explain the processes or phenomena (cloud, radiation, and wind) that affect the weather and snow in mountainous regions
  3. Monitor and predict the weather and snowfall by using meteorological observations and computer-model forecasts
  4. Describe the meteorological, snowpack, terrain, and human factors that contribute to avalanches and avalanche accidents 
  5. Discuss how climate change will affect the future of snow, ice, mountain sports, and culture in Utah and around the world
  6. Apply problem-solving strategies, creativity, and atmospheric and snow information to better pursue winter-sports interests
  7. Summarize the challenges posed by winter weather and climate change for glaciers, snow, and skiing in mountainous regions

Teaching and Learning Methods

Weekly modules involving a reading assignment, educational videos, participation in a discussion forum, a knowledge check, scenario-based learning activities, and optional additional exploration.

Readings and educational videos should be completed early in the week.  

The initial post for discussions is due Thursdays by 11:59 p.m. MT and responses to posts are due Sundays by 11:59 pm MT.

The knowledge check and scenario-based learning activities are due Sundays 11:59 pm MT

Late assignments reduced by 15% per day late without prior arrangement.   Maximum late penalty reduction of 30%. 

Module 1: The Secrets
Module 2: Wasatch Microclimates
Module 3: Understanding Wasatch Microclimates
Module 4: Snow Climates of North America
Module 5: Snow Climates beyond North America
Module 6: Flaky Science
Module 7: Lake Effect/Mid-Term Exam
Module 8: Alta Goes to War
Module 9: Avalanche Fundamentals
Module 10: Avalanche Awareness and Human Factors in Accidents
Module 11: Powder Prediction – Observations
Module 12: Powder Prediction – Model Forecasts
Module 13: Climate Change and Snow – Recent Trends and Causes
Module 14: Future Climate Change and the Fate of Skiing
Module 15: Review/Final Exam


Most modules involve a knowledge check (15 points), a graded discussion (5 points), and scenario-based learning activities (20 points), for a total of 40 points.  The graded discussion facilitates deeper discussion as you reflect on the weekly reading and videos, respond to one of the given prompts, and comment on the posts shared by two other students.  The knowledge checks, which are multiple choice, can be completed while consulting course materials, can be repeated once, and are designed to help you gain deeper understanding of key concepts covered in the readings and educational videos. The scenario-based learning activities help you develop problem-solving strategies for using atmospheric, snow, and other information sources to better pursue your winter-sports interests or address challenges posed by winter weather and climate change in mountainous regions. These learning activities include multiple choice or short essay questions (multiple choice activities may be repeated once).  There will also be a mid-term and a final, each will contain 50 multiple choice or fill-in-the blank questions, with a 90 minute time limit..  Final grades are based on the weekly discussion/knowledge check/scenario-based learning activities (60%; breaks down into 8% discussions, 23% knowledge checks, and 29% scenario-based learning activities), the mid-term exam (20%), and the final exam (20%).  

Final grades will be assigned as follows:

A: ≥ 92.5
A-: 90-92.5
B+: 87.5-89.9
B: 82.5-87.4
B-: 80-82.4
C+: 77.5-79.9
C: 72.5–77.4
C-: 70-72.4
D+: 67.5–69.9
D: 62.5–67.4
D-: 60–62.4
E: < 59.9



University policies and online expectations are described in depth below and apply to this class.  I expect you to be self-motivated and stay on top of the schedule; complete assignments, discussions, knowledge checks, and learning activities on time; contact me or the teaching assistant if you have questions or need assistance; and follow the Core Rules of Netiquette.  Plagiarism, cheating, harassment, or other forms of misconduct will not be tolerated.  
 (Links to an external site.)


My intent for this class is to create a space where students feel included, heard, and respected and that student's diverse identities and backgrounds are valued and viewed as an asset.  We all come to this course with unique life (and snow) experiences, and there will be diversity of perspectives in our discussions.  This diversity is a strength as we strive to communicate and connect across differences, and build an inclusive and equitable learning environment.  If you have a conflict with an assignment for a religious/cultural/spiritual event, please notify me beforehand and we will make arrangement.

How to Succeed in this Class

Be disciplined.  Stay on top of the material and begin work early each week.  Consult the book and videos as needed while completing Knowledge Checks and Learning Activities.  Contact the instructor or teaching assistant when questions arise or if assistance is needed.  

Counseling Services

The University of Utah Counseling Center (Links to an external site.) provides developmental, preventative, and therapeutic services to promote the intellectual, emotional, cultural, and social development of University of Utah students. This includes services that address personal, career, and academic learning issues. They are located in 426 SSB and can be reached at 801-581-6826. Their 24/7 crisis line is 801-587-3000.

Americans with Disabilities Act

The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services, and activities for people with disabilities. If you will need accommodations for the class, please see the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) information below and make arrangements for accommodations.  


This syllabus is meant to serve as an outline and guide for our course. Please note that I may modify it with reasonable notice to you. I may also modify the course schedule to accommodate the needs of our class. Any changes will be announced in class and posted on Canvas under Announcements.

CMES Guidelines

College of Mines and Earth Sciences (CMES) semester guidelines are available hereIncluded is information concerning health and counseling, student support services, adding and withdrawing from classes, repeating classes, appealing grades, and academic advising within the college.  

UOnline Expectations

UOnline Student Expectations

Though the online format allows students greater flexibility to complete their work, this course does have a structure and timeline! As such, the following is expected of all students in this class:

  • Students must be self-motivated, organized, and willing to stay on top of their schedules. Students should take control of their learning while in this course.
  • Students are expected to follow the Core Rules of Netiquette at all times while participating in the class and communicating with others.
  • Students will log in to the course a minimum of 3 times per week.
  • Students are not expected to interact with their classmates in person. Students may be expected to work with classmates via online communication options like Canvas Discussions, video conferencing, or other communication technologies of choice (Groupme, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, etc).
  • Students will regularly check for course updates and will update their Canvas notification settings to ensure they receive timely notifications from the course.
  • Students will contact their instructor or teaching assistant in a timely manner if they have any questions, are struggling with course materials, or need further assistance from their instructor.
    • If you do not hear back within 3 days after sending a message, please contact your instructor/TA again.
  • Students will follow all official University of Utah policies regarding interpersonal conduct, academic dishonesty, and other rights and responsibilities of students outlined in the University of Utah Student Handbook and Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

UOnline Instructor Expectations

Your course instructor is an expert in the topics you will learn about this semester. Your instructor is your mentor and facilitator of the classroom experience, aided by teaching assistants. Instructors are committed to:

  • The instructor will design the course to include lectures, learning materials, and assignments that are accessible and provide students with opportunities to learn and practice course content.
  • The instructor and teaching assistants will ensure that the course remains a safe space where students can engage with difficult content thoughtfully and respectfully.
  • The instructor and teaching assistants will interact with the class regularly via announcements, virtual office hours (one-on-one video conferencing), emails/the Canvas Inbox, feedback on assignments, and comments on Discussions, among other methods.
  • The instructor and teaching assistants will respond to students in a timely manner: within 48 hours, not including weekends and holidays.
  • The instructor and teaching assistants will be available for an individual consultation via virtual office hours (one-on-one video conferencing), email, or phone and will not require students to meet in person.
  • The instructor and teaching assistants will provide relevant feedback in a timely manner.
  • The instructor and teaching assistants will follow all official University of Utah policies regarding interpersonal conduct, accommodations, and other important duties.

University Policies

COVID-19 Campus Guidelines


 Important: Updated Fall 2021 Instructional Guidelines

University leadership has urged all faculty, students, and staff to model the vaccination, testing, and masking behaviors we want to see in our campus community. These include: • Vaccination • Masking indoors • If unvaccinated, getting weekly asymptomatic coronavirus testing 

  • Get a COVID-19 vaccination if you have not already done so. Vaccination is proving highly effective in preventing severe COVID-19 symptoms, hospitalization, and death from coronavirus. Vaccination is the single best way to stop this COVID resurgence in its tracks.
  • Many in the campus community already have gotten vaccinated:
    • More than 80% of U employees
    • Over 70% of U students
  • Visit My Chart, Vaccine Information, or CDC to schedule your vaccination.
  • While masks are no longer required outside of Health Sciences facilities, UTA buses, and campus shuttles, CDC guidelines now call for everyone to wear face masks indoors.
    • Check the CDC website periodically for masking updates
    • Treat masks like seasonal clothing (i.e.during community surges in COVID transmission, masks are strongly encouraged indoors and in close groups outside).
  • If you are not yet vaccinated, get weekly asymptomatic coronavirus tests. This is a helpful way to protect yourself and those around you because asymptomatic individuals can unknowingly spread the coronavirus to others.
    • Asymptomatic testing centers are open and convenient:
      • Online scheduling
      • Saliva test (no nasal swabs)
      • Free to all students returning to campus (required for students in University housing)
      • Results often within 24 hours
      • Visit Testing and Vaccine Information Campus Alert
  • Remember: Students must self-report if they test positive for COVID-19 via the Campus Covid Response webpage.
Student Mental Health Resources
  • Rates of burnout, anxiety, depression, isolation, and loneliness have noticeably increased during the pandemic. If you need help, reach out for campus mental health resources, including counseling, training, and other support.
  • Consider participating in a Mental Health First Aid or other wellness-themed training provided by our Center for Student Wellness and sharing these opportunities with your peers, teaching assistants, and department colleagues.

Students are required to self-report if they test positive for COVID-19. To report, please contact:

COVID-19 Central @ The U

Drop/Withdrawal Policies

Students may drop a course within the first two weeks of a given semester without any penalties.

Students may officially withdraw (W) from a class or all classes after the drop deadline through the midpoint of a course. A “W” grade is recorded on the transcript and appropriate tuition/fees are assessed. The grade “W” is not used in calculating the student’s GPA.

For deadlines to withdraw from full-term, first, and second session classes, see the U's Academic Calendar.

Plagiarism and Cheating

It is assumed that all work submitted to your instructor is your own work. When you have used the ideas of others, you must properly indicate that you have done so.

Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and may be punished by failure on an individual assignment, and/or failure in the course. Academic misconduct, according to the University of Utah Student Code,

“...Includes, but is not limited to, cheating, misrepresenting one’s work, inappropriately collaborating, plagiarism, and fabrication or falsification of information…It also includes facilitating academic misconduct by intentionally helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic misconduct.”

For details on plagiarism and other important course conduct issues, see the U's Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Course Materials Copyright

The Content is made available only for your personal, noncommercial educational, and scholarly use. You may not use the Content for any other purpose, or distribute, post or make the Content available to others unless you obtain any required permission from the copyright holder. Some Content may be provided via streaming or other means that restrict copying; you may not circumvent those restrictions. You may not alter or remove any copyright or other proprietary notices included in the Content.
Please see the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, Section III.A.5 regarding the use and distribution of class Content and materials. Section III.A.5. prohibits the following:
Sale or distribution of information representing the work product of a faculty member to a commercial entity for financial gain without the express written permission of the faculty member responsible for the course. (“Work product” means original works of authorship that have been fixed in a tangible medium and any works based upon and derived from the original work of authorship.)

Safety at the U

The University of Utah values the safety of all campus community members. You will receive important emergency alerts and safety messages regarding campus safety via text message.

For more safety information and to view available training resources, including helpful videos, visit (Links to an external site.).

To report suspicious activity or to request a courtesy escort, contact:

Campus Police & Department of Public Safety
801-585-COPS (801-585-2677)
1735 E. S. Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Wellness at the U

Your personal health and wellness are essential to your success as a student. Personal concerns like stress, anxiety, relationship difficulties, depression, or cross-cultural differences can interfere with a student’s ability to succeed and thrive in this course and at the University of Utah.

Please feel welcome to reach out to your instructor or TA to handle issues regarding your coursework.

For helpful resources to manage your personal wellness and counseling options, contact:

Center for Student Wellness
2100 Eccles Student Life Center
     1836 Student Life Way
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Women's Resource Center
411 Union Building
     200 S. Central Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Addressing Sexual Misconduct

Title IX makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex and gender (which includes sexual orientation and gender identity/expression) is a civil rights offense subject to the same kinds of accountability and the same kinds of support applied to offenses against other protected categories such as race, national origin, color, religion, age, status as a person with a disability, veteran’s status, or genetic information.

If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted, you are encouraged to report it to university officials: 

Title IX Coordinator & Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
135 Park Building
     201 Presidents' Cir.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Office of the Dean of Students
 270 Union Building
     200 S. Central Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

To file a police report, contact:

Campus Police & Department of Public Safety
801-585-COPS (801-585-2677)
1735 E. S. Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

If you do not feel comfortable reporting to authorities, the U's Victim-Survivor Advocates provide free, confidential, and trauma-informed support services to students, faculty, and staff who have experienced interpersonal violence.

To privately explore options and resources available to you with an advocate, contact:

Center for Student Wellness
328 Student Services Building
    201 S. 1460 E.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)

The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services, and activities for people with disabilities.

All written information in this course can be made available in an alternative format with prior notification to the Center for Disability & Access (CDA). CDA will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations. Prior notice is appreciated. To read the full accommodations policy for the University of Utah, please see Section Q of the Instruction & Evaluation regulations.

If you will need accommodations in this class, or for more information about what support they provide, contact:

Center for Disability & Access
162 Union Building
    200 S. Central Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Diverse Student Support

Your success at the University of Utah is important to all of us here! If you feel like you need extra support in academics, overcoming personal difficulties, or finding community, the U is here for you.

Student Support Services (TRIO)

TRIO federal programs are targeted to serve and assist low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities.

Student Support Services (SSS) is a TRIO program for current or incoming undergraduate university students who are seeking their first bachelor's degree and need academic assistance and other services to be successful at the University of Utah.

For more information about what support they provide, a list of ongoing events, and links to other resources, view their website or contact:

Student Support Services (TRIO)
 Room 2075 
     1901 E. S. Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

American Indian Students

The AIRC works to increase American Indian student visibility and success on campus by advocating for and providing student-centered programs and tools to enhance academic success, cultural events to promote personal well-being, and a supportive “home-away-from-home” space for students to grow and develop leadership skills. 

For more information about what support they provide, a list of ongoing events, and links to other resources, view their website or contact:

American Indian Resource Center
Fort Douglas Building 622
     1925 De Trobriand St.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84113

Black Students

Using a pan-African lens, the Black Cultural Center seeks to counteract persistent campus-wide and global anti-blackness. The Black Cultural Center works to holistically enrich, educate, and advocate for students, faculty, and staff through Black-centered programming, culturally affirming educational initiatives, and retention strategies.

For more information about what support they provide, a list of ongoing events, and links to other resources, view their website or contact:

Black Cultural Center
Fort Douglas Building 603
     95 Fort Douglas Blvd.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84113

Students with Children

Our mission is to support and coordinate information, program development, and services that enhance family resources as well as the availability, affordability, and quality of child care for University students, faculty, and staff.

For more information about what support they provide, a list of ongoing events, and links to other resources, view their website or contact:

Center for Childcare & Family Resources
408 Union Building
    200 S. Central Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Students With Disabilities

The Center for Disability Services is dedicated to serving students with disabilities by providing the opportunity for success and equal access at the University of Utah. They also strive to create an inclusive, safe, and respectful environment.

For more information about what support they provide and links to other resources, view their website or contact:

Center for Disability Services
162 Union Building
    200 S. Central Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Students of Ethnic Descent

The Center for Ethnic Student Affairs offers several programs dedicated to the success of students with varied cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Its mission is to create an inclusive, safe campus community that values the experiences of all students.

For more information about what support they provide, a list of ongoing events, and links to other resources, view their website or contact:

Center for Ethnic Student Affairs
 235 Union Building
    200 S. Central Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

English as a Second/Additional Language (ESL) Students

If you are an English language learner, there are several resources on campus available to help you develop your English writing and language skills. Feel free to contact:

Writing Center

 (Links to an external site.)

2701 Marriott Library
     295 S 1500 E
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

English for Academic Success (EAS) Program
 2300 LNCO
     255 S. Central Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

English Language Institute
801-581-4600 (Links to an external site.)
540 Arapeen Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84108

Undocumented Students

Immigration is a complex phenomenon with broad impact—those who are directly affected by it and those who are indirectly affected by their relationships with family members, friends, and loved ones. If your immigration status presents obstacles that prevent you from engaging in specific activities or fulfilling specific course criteria, confidential arrangements may be requested from the Dream Center.

Arrangements with the Dream Center will not jeopardize your student status, your financial aid, or any other part of your residence. The Dream Center offers a wide range of resources to support undocumented students (with and without DACA) as well as students from mixed-status families.

For more information about what support they provide and links to other resources, view their website or contact:

Dream Center
801-213-3697 (Links to an external site.)
 1120 Annex (Wing B)
     1901 E. S. Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

LGBTQ+ Students

The LGBTQ+ Resource Center acts in accountability with the campus community by identifying the needs of people with a queer range of [a]gender and [a]sexual experiences and responding with university-wide services.

For more information about what support they provide, a list of ongoing events, and links to other resources, view their website or contact:

LGBTQ+ Resource Center
801-587-7973 (Links to an external site.)
409 Union Building
    200 S. Central Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Veterans & Military Students

The mission of the Veterans Support Center is to improve and enhance the individual and academic success of veterans, service members, and their family members who attend the university; to help them receive the benefits they earned, and to serve as a liaison between the student veteran community and the university.

For more information about what support they provide, a list of ongoing events, and links to other resources, view their website or contact:

Veterans Support Center
801-587-7722  (Links to an external site.)
418 Union Building
    200 S. Central Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112


The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) at the University of Utah serves as the central resource for educational and support services for women. Honoring the complexities of women’s identities, the WRC facilitates choices and changes through programs, counseling, and training grounded in a commitment to advance social justice and equality.

For more information about what support they provide, a list of ongoing events, and links to other resources, view their website or contact:

Women's Resource Center
411 Union Building
     200 S. Central Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Inclusivity at the U

The Office for Inclusive Excellence is here to engage, support, and advance an environment fostering the values of respect, diversity, equity, inclusivity, and academic excellence for students in our increasingly global campus community. They also handle reports of bias in the classroom as outlined below:

Bias or hate incidents consist of speech, conduct, or some other form of expression or action that is motivated wholly or in part by prejudice or bias whose impact discriminates, demeans, embarrasses, assigns stereotypes, harasses, or excludes individuals because of their race, color, ethnicity, national origin, language, sex, size, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, or religion.

For more information about what support they provide and links to other resources, or to report a bias incident, view their website or contact:

Office for Inclusive Excellence
801-581-4600 (Links to an external site.)
170 Annex (Wing D)
     1901 E. S. Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Other Student Groups at the U

To learn more about some of the other resource groups available at the U, check out: