CS 3011-001 Spring 2022 Industry Forum

Course Description: Industry Forum is designed to expose students to topics that are not discussed in depth as part of the normal curriculum, but that are likely to be important after they graduate. Each week one or more guest speakers, typically local and national business leaders, will give a talk and answer questions on a topic of interest to them. Topics will run the gamut from the highly career oriented (e.g., how to decide if graduate school is right for you) to the highly technical (e.g., how software development organizations manage complex system development). The objective of the course is for students to understand what kinds of careers are available after graduation and how students should be preparing beyond their coursework. 

More information on the course can be found here:  Detailed Syllabus and Course Information

Here is the Zoom Link to attend the class online. https://utah.zoom.us/j/98429975250(Links to an external site.) Passcode: 779895

Note: Kindly use your full name while attending class on Zoom for attendance purposes.

TA office hours: Wednesdays 3-4 PM via zoom. https://utah.zoom.us/j/99049513511 Passcode: 109973

Course Summary:

Date Details Due