Pre-study survey (10 points extra credit)

  • Due No due date
  • Points 1
  • Questions 30
  • Time Limit None


Thank you for your help with this study! Participation is voluntary and your responses will be submitted anonymously through Canvas. Submission of this survey will be taken as an indication that you are giving consent to be included in the study. Gathered information will be used to assess effectivity of math-based curriculum in helping students be successful in engineering coursework. This survey contains questions that are grouped into three sections.

Section I

In order to better understand what you think and feel about your college mathematics courses, please respond to each of the statements in questions 1-10 on a scale of 1 (Rarely) to 5 (Usually).

If you do not wish to answer questions 11 or 12, please answer with “No Response.”


Section II

In order to better understand what you think and feel about your ECE college courses, please respond to each of the statements for questions 13-20 on a scale of 1 (Rarely) to 5 (Usually).


Section III

In order to better understand what you think and feel about your math related education, please respond to each of the questions 23-30. If there are questions you do not wish to answer, please answer with “No Response.”