String Painting

  • Due No due date
  • Points _
  • Questions 4
  • Time Limit None


Revolutionize the way you paint! Make abstract art by painting and pulling a string!

Your Instructor: Karen

Difficulty: Medium

Length of Activity: 30 Minutes

Parental Warning: Paint use


  •  Paint – Your Choice of Colors
  • Cardstock/Construction Paper
  • A few Feet of String or Yarn
  • Plate (Paper or Reusable)

Follow Along Below

Written Instructions (Printable PDF)

  1. 1. Wear clothing that can get paint on it!
  2. Cut paper into squares that are roughly 4 x 4in.
  3. Now comes the fun parts! Place string on plate
  4. Pour paint on the sections of string you desire for the design and color look you want
  5. Let paint soak onto the string
  6. Take the string out of the paint and place It In the zig zag or loop pattern that you want, ending your pattern with your string at the edge of the piece.
  7. Then, pull! As you pull the color will mix and make a cool design! 
  8. You have your art! Repeat with other pieces of paper and paint colors, as desired. You can break or bend the rules above to create different looks!