Office of Learning Outcomes Assessment Workshops


Undergraduate StudiesOffice Of LEARNING Analytics and Outcomes Assessment


Each semester the Office of Analytics and Learning Outcomes Assessment holds an Assessment Workshop that spotlights the assessment practice of 4 different departments.

Click below to find the agenda and presentations from our most recent workshops and search  by discipline or name for presentations from past Learning Outcomes Assessment workshops from 2017 to the present. Enjoy!

  Current Assessment WorkshopS
(Academic Year 2021-2022)

Spring 2022

April, 13, 2022: Spring Learning Outcomes Assessment Workshop Presentation Videos and Discussion

Linguistics, Shannon Barrios, Director of Undergraduate Studies

Philosophy, Lex Newman

Physics, Ben Bromley

Biomedical Engineering, Kelly Broadhead

Fall 2021

November, 10 2021: Fall Learning Outcomes Assessment Workshop Presentation Videos and Discussion

Undergraduate Studies, Mark St. Andre, Office of Learning Outcomes Assessment


Summary: Mark introduced Chase Hagood, the new Senior Associate Voce President of Undergraduate Studies and two new analysts in the Office of Learning Outcomes Assessment. He gave some background on the Office of Learning Outcomes Assessment and describes how the office consults with departments to help facilitate assessment and describes the upcoming University-wide accreditation in 2022.

Psychology, Jeanine Stefanucci

Assessment Presentation

Summary: Dr. Stefanucci shares with us the process used by her department to review student learning outcomes at the program level and how they use the Learning Outcomes Associator and Reviewer.

Music, Jared Rawlings

Assessment Presentation

Summary: Dr. Rawlings discusses the process of planning to assess the music department's learning outcomes and how they will move forward in how they will assess their outcomes.  

LEAP Programs, Stephen Maisch

Assessment Presentation

Summary: Dr. Maisch discusses the strategies that the LEAP program uses to assess the wide-ranging disciplinary courses within a single program. He also discussed plans for future LEAP program assessment.

Undergraduate Studies, Casey Hoekstra, Director of the Learning Center

Assessment Presentation

Summary: Ms. Hoekstra discusses the plan for assessing the tutoring and supplemental instruction services that are provided across campus through the learning center.

Past Assessment Workshops
(Academic Year 2020-2021)

Spring 2021 Recordings

Communication, Natasha Seegert Presentation

Medicine / Genetic Counseling, Megan Judkins Presentation

Theatre, Sydney Cheek-O’Donnell Presentation

Undergraduate Studies: Mark St. Andre, Outcomes Assessment Tools Update and Accreditation Update

Undergraduate Studies, Donna Ziegenfuss, Office of Learning Outcomes Assessment, Curriculum Mapping Presentation


Fall 2020 recordings

Business, Ruchi Watson & Jess Taverna, Core Business Presentation

Film and Media Arts, Andrew Nelson Film Presentation

Geography, Timothy Collins Presentation

Undergraduate Studies: Mark St. Andre, Welcome and Introductions

Undergraduate Studies, Rachel Hayes-Harb, Office of Undergraduate Research Presentation

(Academic Year 2019-2020)

Assessment workshops by College/Discipline?

Search All Learning Outcomes Assessment Presentations from 2017 to the Present by Discipline

Click on the discipline tabs below to search all assessment presentations by discipline:



Biomedical Engineering, Kelly Broadhead - Spring 2020


Fine Arts



Mines & Earth Sciences



Social and Behavioral Sciences

Undergraduate Studies


COntact US

Want to Volunteer to Present?


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