Course Syllabus


CS 2100-020: Discrete Structures

General Course Information

Instructor: Prof. Pratik Soni Pre-requisites:

Prerequisites: 'C-' or better in (CS 1410 OR CS 1420 OR AP CS-A score of 5) AND (MATH 1210 OR MATH 1220 OR MATH 1250 OR MATH 1310 OR MATH 1311 OR AP Calc AB score of 4+ OR AP Calc BC score of 3+ OR Higher Math)

Department: Kahlert School of Computing Credit Hours: 3

Soni: WEB 2863

Semester: Spring 2025
Communication:  Review the "Communication" section below for more information  Syllabus: Available in Canvas
Teaching Assistants:

Check the "Teaching Staff" section in How to get help in CS 2100 for details

Office Hours:  Check How to get help in CS 2100 for details
Class Meeting Time

TuTh / 2:00PM - 03:20PM (MDT) led by Prof. Soni

Meeting Place In-person – WEB L105

Students should come to class prepared and expect to practice solving problems individually and in small groups

Discussion Sections

Fridays at various times and locations (students should check their class schedule), led by Teaching Assistants (TAs).

Times and Locations can also be found on the Help Hours Page.


Students should come to discussions prepared with questions about the recently-covered material and expect more problem-solving practice.

Dates for Class Tests
  • Test #1: Tuesday Jan 21, 2025 (in class)
  • Test #2: Thursday Mar 6, 2025 (in class)
  • Test #3:  Thursday Apr 10, 2025 (in class)
Final Exam Friday, April 25, 2025 1:00PM – 3:00PM MDT

Important Note

All dates and policies in the CS 2100 syllabus and Canvas course are subject to change. Any changes will be announced within a reasonable timeframe during lectures and/or posted on Canvas under the Announcements page.

Course Description


Course CS 2100
Department Kahlert School of Computing

'C-' or better in (CS 1410 OR CS 1420 OR AP CS-A score of 5) AND (MATH 1210 OR MATH 1220 OR MATH 1250 OR MATH 1310 OR MATH 1311 OR AP Calc AB score of 4+ OR AP Calc BC score of 3+ OR Higher Math)

Students not meeting these prerequisites will be removed from CS 2100 in the first week of class.

Credit Hours 3
Semester Spring 2025

CS 2100 introduces discrete mathematics and structures at the foundation of computer science and teaches logical thinking about discrete objects and abstract things. It covers logic, set theory, functions, relations, graph theory, combinatorics, probability, and proofs.

This class is fast-paced and relies on students spending considerable time studying and solving problems outside class.

Goals & Objectives

This course aims to give the students a fundamental understanding of propositional logic, predicate logic, formal logical arguments, finite sets, functions, relations, graphs, counting problems, probability, mathematical proofs, and their applications to Computer Science.

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • use symbolic logic to model real-world situations by converting informal language statements to propositional and predicate logic expressions, as well as apply formal methods to propositions and predicates (such as computing normal forms and calculating validity)
  • assign practical examples to the appropriate set, function, or relation model while employing the associated terminology and operations
  • illustrate by example the basic terminology of graph theory, as well as properties and special cases (such as Eulerian graphs, spanning trees, isomorphism, and planarity)
  • map real-world applications to appropriate counting formalisms, including permutations and combinations of sets, as well as exercise the rules of combinatorics (such as sums, products, and inclusion-exclusion)
  • calculate probabilities of independent and dependent events, in addition to expectations of random variables
  • analyze problems to determine underlying recurrence relations, as well as solve such relations by rephrasing as closed formulas
  • employ formal proof techniques (such as direct proof, proof by contradiction, induction, and the pigeonhole principle) to construct sound arguments about properties of numbers, sets, functions, relations, and graphs

Students can expect to achieve these outcomes only if they:

  • review the Weekly Snapshot document;
  • attend and actively participate in class meetings and discussion sections;
  • come to class, and discussion sections prepared to practice solving problems individually and in small groups;
  • and complete homeworks and tests/exams in good faith and on time.

Note: students may vary in their competency level on these outcomes.

Learning Environment

Safe and respectful learning environment: In this class, any derogatory comments based on race, ethnicity, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, (dis)ability status, age, citizenship, or nationality will not be tolerated. Additionally, expressing opinions in a manner that silences the voices of others is not permissible. We are committed to maintaining a respectful and inclusive learning environment, and therefore, egregious disrespect, such as racism, sexism, ageism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, and similar behaviors, will not be tolerated. As teaching staff, we take incidents of discrimination, bias, and harassment seriously. If any such incidents occur, we will promptly file reports with the  Office or Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Title IX (OEO). It is essential that every student feels safe and respected in our classroom. We understand that distinguishing between free speech and professional behavior and discrimination, bias, and harassment can sometimes be unclear. Therefore, we encourage students to approach us for open, judgment-free, and confidential conversations if they have any questions or concerns. Alternatively, we can refer them to the OEO for further clarification. Together, we can maintain a positive and inclusive learning environment that fosters mutual respect and support for all students.

Equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment: Our goal is to ensure that students from diverse backgrounds and perspectives are well-served by this course. We are committed to addressing students' learning needs both inside and outside of class and viewing the diversity present in the class as a valuable resource, strength, and benefit. In our approach, we will present materials and activities that respect and acknowledge diversity, encompassing aspects such as gender identity, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, nationality, religion, and culture. Moreover, we expect all students to treat each other, including the teaching staff, with the same level of respect and inclusivity. Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment is a shared responsibility, and we encourage students to communicate with us if they identify ways in which the classroom environment or teaching materials can be improved to foster a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive learning atmosphere. Your feedback is vital in helping us continually refine our practices and ensure that every student feels valued, supported, and empowered to thrive in this course.

Course Materials

Website: The CS 2100 Canvas course will contain all relevant information and is regularly updated; It is critical that students become familiar with the Canvas course right away and plan to visit it multiple times a week.

Teaching materials: Materials including the Weekly Snapshot document and the lecture slides are made available to students on Canvas before each lecture, ensuring they have time to review and familiarize themselves with the upcoming topics. Attendance to both the Tuesday and Thursday lectures is required. Note that any additional material including instructor notes on the slides during class, solutions and any scribbles made during Friday discussions will not be posted. Due to the interactive nature of class meetings and discussion sections, they are not recorded.

Answer keys: The release schedule for answer keys in the class is as follows:

  1. Written homeworks: Answer keys for written homeworks will be made available to students on the Tuesday after the homework due date.
  2. Tests 1-3: Answers for tests 1-3 may be discussed on the Friday after the test and/or subsequent lectures.

Following this schedule ensures that students have access to the correct answers and explanations in a timely manner, allowing them to review their work, learn from their mistakes, and prepare effectively for future assessments.

Textbook (required): Discrete Mathematics with Applications, Fifth Edition by Susanna S. Epp. The Weekly Snapshot document will highlight which chapters/sections should be reviewed by the student.


Please review the communication methods and requirements for this course. 

Class website: The class website is on Canvas at A key responsibility for a student in this course is to use the online Canvas class website. Students must check their email and Canvas regularly for the updated syllabus, course materials, announcements, corrections, and grades until course grades are posted at the end of the semester.

Email linked to Canvas: The teaching staff will use the email addresses connected to the Canvas site to reach out to students when necessary. Students are expected to check their email and the class website regularly.

Which email to use: Students are required to use their University Umail for all communications with the teaching staff (instructor and TAs).

Piazza: We will use Piazza for class discussion, including technical questions, clarifications, and announcements. The system is highly catered to getting the students help fast and efficiently from classmates, TAs, and the instructor. Rather than emailing questions to the teaching staff, students are expected to post their questions on Piazza. Students should sign up right away and set notifications appropriately. I have received several questions about the access code for Piazza. Students can find the access code for Piazza on  How to get help in CS 2100 under "Get help online".

Timeframe for response: Students should allow two business days for the teaching staff to reply to their questions. The teaching staff will aim to address questions posted on Piazza promptly during regular weekday work hours (roughly 9 am to 5 pm, Monday-Friday). Questions posted in the evenings or during weekends will usually be addressed during regular work hours on the following business day or week, respectively. Although there might be occasional responses in the evenings or on weekends, we advise students not to solely rely on this and to plan their inquiries accordingly. Our priority is to provide timely and efficient support during our regular work hours to ensure a smooth learning experience for all students.

Online etiquette: Students and the teaching staff (the instructor and TAs) are expected to create a respectful online learning environment. All online interactions (including but not limited to emails, Piazza, Canvas, and Zoom) are expected to follow common rules for good online etiquette:

  • Be respectful and professional.
  • Be aware of strong language, all caps, and exclamation points.
  • Be careful with humor and sarcasm.
  • Do not post or share (even privately) inappropriate material.

Disrespectful or inappropriate online communications will be deleted from online platforms (e.g., Piazza and Canvas). Severe cases may be referred to the appropriate committee or office within the University for possible disciplinary actions.

Announcements: Important announcements to the class will be made through the “Announcements” tab on the class canvas and Piazza; there is otherwise no class mailing list. Students are responsible for monitoring announcements sent via Umail or Canvas.

Check Canvas and Piazza regularly: Communication between the instructor, teaching assistants (TAs), and students will primarily take place through the Canvas platform and Piazza. It is the student's responsibility to regularly check these communication channels to stay informed about course updates, announcements, and any important information. If a student fails to receive emails sent to them through Canvas or overlooks an announcement due to not checking these platforms regularly, it will be considered the student's own responsibility. In such cases, students cannot claim grounds for a deadline extension or request a regrade if they miss an important deadline or instruction. To ensure that students stay up-to-date with course-related communication, it is strongly advised for them to regularly check their Canvas messages and Piazza posts, and also consider enabling email notifications to receive timely updates. Proactively monitoring these platforms will help students stay on track and avoid any misunderstandings or missed deadlines.

Class Format

Classroom structure: This course is taught by Professor Soni. For most weeks, Tuesdays will be used for the introduction of new concepts and material, and the Thursdays will be used for connecting these concepts with problem-solving. (Optional) Friday lab hours will be used for further problem-solving help, review of homeworks, review of exams, etc.

Week-to-week rhythm: Students should plan their weeks as follows: prior to the lecture on Tuesday, we will post the Weekly Snapshot document. This will contain a preview of what material is to be covered that week and what chapters/sections of the book should be read/reviewed by the student. In addition, we will post a homework sheet for the week and lecture slides.

In-class polls: During lectures, the instructor may conduct class polls to gauge students' understanding. Participation grades are based upon attending Tu/Th lectures (as determined through PollEverywhere participation). To participate, students must sign up for Poll Everywhere using their Umail account, which is free of charge. They can respond to the polls using their phone, computer, or tablet/iPad. Engaging in these polls will enhance students' active learning experience in the classroom. This is only used to assess participation - regardless of whether the student answer is correct (i.e., in this case, the effort counts!).

Here are the instructions to set up your Poll Everywhere account.

  1. Go to
  2. On the left, click Registration
  3. Click “Create one now” on the bottom right (do not sign in with google, apple, or facebook)
  4. Use your umail address (
  5. After logging in, click Register
  6. Register with pratiksoni571

Getting help: If you need additional help, please use Piazza to ask additional questions. The teaching staff or other students can help answer questions. Use of the Canvas Inbox or email is discouraged for CS 2100 questions. The teaching staff will also hold regular office hours, including remote office hours if the student is isolated or unable to attend in person. The teaching staff will be doing their very best to help students with learning and practicing the course material, but they are human too and probably won't be very available during nights or on weekends.

For this reason, we strongly recommend that students start their homework early (as soon as it is released) so that students can seek help at a time when help is available.  See How to get help in CS 2100 for more details.  See also the resources provided by the University Student Success Advocates.

If you encounter uncertainty or confusion regarding homework questions, it is your responsibility to take proactive action and contact the instructor or teaching assistant (TA) for clarification. Seeking clarification in a timely manner is crucial to ensure that you understand the assigned work properly and can complete them accurately. Misinterpretation of assignments will not be accepted as a valid excuse for incomplete or incorrect submissions. It is essential to clarify any doubts early on, as it demonstrates a proactive approach to your learning and responsibilities as a student in the course.

The instructor and TAs are there to support you and provide assistance throughout the learning process. Don't hesitate to reach out to them for help to ensure that you can effectively complete your homework assignments and stay on track with your studies. Taking this step will help you stay informed and confident in your coursework, leading to a more successful and rewarding learning experience.


Lectures and discussions attendance: Attending lectures and discussions is strongly recommended for students to develop problem-solving skills through individual and small group practice.  Lecture participation (Tu/Th) will be evaluated using PollEverywhere.

On remote attendance: Remote attendance is not allowed in this class. 

Student Course Feedback

The student course feedback survey holds significant importance for the school and the instructor for several reasons. Firstly, it serves as a valuable tool to measure the program's success and assess the quality of teaching provided to students. The school places great importance on these evaluations and considers students' opinions seriously. Through the survey, students have a direct impact on the feedback provided, allowing their voices to be heard. It is worth noting that all responses are kept confidential and anonymous, ensuring students' privacy, and the results are made available to the instructor after the final grades are posted.

Secondly, the survey is equally important to the instructor. The instructor is committed to delivering the best possible learning experience and continually seeks opportunities for improvement in her teaching approach. Honest and constructive feedback from students is crucial in helping the instructor identify areas for growth and enhancement. By understanding students' perceptions and experiences, the instructor can make informed adjustments to her teaching strategy, ensuring it better aligns with the needs and preferences of the students. Student feedback thus creates a feedback loop that fosters continuous improvement and enhances the overall learning experience for students. 


Students are expected to exert a strong effort on all homework, tests, and in-class discussions. This effort should be based on a thorough and attentive examination of the assigned material, including reading textbook chapters and solving practice problems therein. The evaluation of student performance in this course will be based on the following criteria:

Participation: The instructors will use PollEverywhere on Tuesdays and Thursdays to determine the participation grade. Every lecture will have a poll; the timing within the lecture is at the Instructors' discretion. Attendance (measured by a poll) counts for half a point for each lecture. Accumulating ten points counts for full marks. Additional points earned will be counted as extra credit towards the final score (as a function of the homework percentage). 

Midterm tests and final exam: All tests and the final exam are paper-based and administered in person. Three tests are to be given during the class meetings on the following dates:

  • Test #1: Logic on Tuesday Jan 21, 2025
  • Test #2: Sets, functions, relations, and graphs on Thursday Mar 6, 2025
  • Test #3: Combinatorics and probability on Thursday April 10, 2025

As an accommodation for potential travel, illness, or quarantine situations, the final course grade will be computed using the two highest test scores for each student. This means that if a student is unable to attend one of the test dates, they can use their "drop" score for that particular test. However, students who are unable to be present for more than one of the test dates should consider taking CS 2100 in a future semester. It is important to note that no make-up exams will be available for missed tests. Students are encouraged to plan accordingly and prioritize attendance on the designated test dates to ensure their best performance in the course.

The final exam is cumulative and scheduled for Friday, April 25, 2025, 1:00 – 3:00 pm MDT. This date and time are set by the University and are not negotiable.

Each student must bring their UCard to every test and final exam, and they may be asked to show their UCard when turning in the test/exam. No other type of identification may be used for this purpose.

General rules for tests and the final exam:

  • During the exam, no other materials/devices are permitted except for an 8.5x11” letter-sized cheatsheet (double-sided, handwritten, type-set, or print, with any texts not smaller than 8 points font size). The cheatsheet is not mandatory. If a student uses one, it must be submitted together with their test/exam
  • The exam is to be done independently. Submitting as one’s own, work that is copied from another student or an outside source is considered academic misconduct. The sanction for academic misconduct in CS 2100 is to fail the course.
  • In general, test papers will be distributed precisely 5 minutes before the scheduled test time to allow students to start the exam promptly at the designated starting time. To ensure a smooth process, please arrive at the classroom at least 5 minutes before the test time, ready to begin. It is essential for students to plan their commute time appropriately to arrive on time for the test. Punctuality is the responsibility of each student to ensure an organized and efficient testing environment.
  • Students who have ADA accommodations should make arrangements to register for their exam with the Center for Disability and Access (CDA) at least one week before the scheduled test time. This proactive step ensures that appropriate accommodations are in place to support the needs of students with disabilities during the examination. By registering in advance, the CDA can work collaboratively with the students and the instructor to provide the necessary accommodations and create an inclusive testing environment that allows all students to demonstrate their knowledge and abilities on an equal basis.

Homeworks: Homework assignments are posted on Canvas prior to the Tuesday lecture in addition to the Weekly Snapshot document and should be submitted through Gradescope by the subsequent Monday night at midnight. The due date is reiterated on the homework sheet. Clear instructions and deadlines for each homework will be posted on Canvas for students' reference. To allow for flexibility, students can make multiple submissions on Gradescope until the deadline, as determined by Gradescope's timestamp, which may differ from the student's local clock. However, no submissions will be accepted after the specified deadline. There are 14 homework assignments. Each question is worth 1 point, and evaluation is pass/fail (good faith attempt / no or fake attempt). Exam weeks and holiday weeks have fewer questions.

The homework sheet posted each week will state which problems are to be solved and will provide a space in which to write the solution. Over the course of the week, the students should work on the problems, and at the end of the week scan their homework sheet for uploading into Gradescope by the due date provided on the sheet.

It is the student's responsibility to ensure the successful and timely submission of each assignment via Gradescope — start early and follow the instructions carefully. Neither computer or Gradescope issues nor corrupted or missing files are grounds for deadline extensions or resubmissions; therefore, students are advised to submit at least one hour before the deadline (even if the submission is incomplete), as well as double-check their submissions.

Homeworks will be graded pass/fail (full credit/no credit) based upon a good-faith effort to answer the problems. Each individual homework will not be marked for correctness and/or improvement.  Answer sheets, lab sessions, and office hours will be used for aiding students understand how to improve.

Class Schedule

Modules: CS 2100 is structured around six themes covering various topics:

  1. Logic: This theme delves into the fundamentals of logic, including propositional logic and predicate logic. Students will learn about logical operators, truth tables, implications, and laws for proving logical equivalence.
  2. Sets, functions, and relations: In this theme, students will explore the concept of sets, functions, and relations. Topics covered include set operations, set cardinality, function properties, and different types of relations and their properties.
  3. Graph theory: This theme focuses on studying graphs and their properties. Students will learn about graph representations, graph algorithms, and various graph-related concepts.
  4. Combinatorics: Combinatorics involves counting and arranging objects. This theme covers topics such as permutations, combinations, and binary sequences.
  5. Probability: Probability theory introduces students to the concept of uncertainty and the study of random events. Topics include random variables, conditional probability, basic probability rules, Bernoulli trials, and expected values.
  6. Proofs: The final theme emphasizes proof techniques and methods used in mathematics and computer science. Students will learn how to construct and present mathematical proofs, including direct and indirect proofs.

Details of the class schedule for the week will be contained within the Weekly Snapshot document posted at the start of the week.

Course Policies

Submitting Homeworks

Writing solutions: Students should write solutions in the space provided in the homework sheets. There are two options:

  • Option 1: Students may write solutions by hand in black ink and submit a scanned PDF copy. The handwriting should be legible, neat, and large, and the scan quality should be acceptable. Only solutions that are readable/illegible will receive points.
  • Option 2: Students can also download the provided PDF and use Adobe or Preview (or similar tools) to edit their solutions directly in the space provided in the PDF file.

Submissions via Grapescope: All homeworks must be submitted through Grapescope. Do not submit assignments via email.

Submission deadline: The submission deadline is midnight at 11:59 pm MDT.

Submit early to avoid last minute bad internet connection or other technical issues.

Getting help with Grapescope: For students who have not used Gradescope prior to this course, here is a video tutorial outlining the submission process. There is a PDF guide as well.

Getting help with homework: Students should use Piazza and/or TA office hours if they have any questions.

Late Work

Homeworks: All homework assignments are due on Mondays at 11:59 pm MT. No extensions will be granted.

Tests and quizzes: No extensions are available on tests.

Final exam: The final exam time is set by the university and cannot be changed for any reason.

Documented Emergency

The instructor recognizes that medical emergencies may impact a student's ability to participate in the course or submit assignments on time. However, homework deadline extensions or make-up exams will not be arranged for any reason other than a documented medical emergency. 

A documented medical emergency requires verifiable proof from a doctor's office or a positive COVID-19 test result (within a reasonable timeframe). Merely obtaining a COVID-19 test is not considered a medical emergency. The required documentation should be provided to the instructor at least 1 day before the assignment deadline.

Approval for extensions or make-up exams is not automatic and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, even with proper documentation.

Once approved for a medical emergency, the student will receive a 5-day extension (including weekends) for the relevant homework assignment.  A make-up exam is typically expected within 5 days of the original exam date. In extreme cases (evaluated case-by-case), a longer timeframe is possible, not exceeding 10 days. If the student cannot take the exam after 10 days (including the day of the exam), no make-up exam will be possible. The regrading period for a make-up exam is between the time the score for a make-up exam is released and the standard regrading period. Therefore, a make-up exam may have a shorter regrading request period due to the class schedule. 

For documented emergencies other than medical ones (e.g., power outage), students should email the instructor with supporting proof (e.g., communication from the power company). Approval for such emergencies is also subject to evaluation on a case-by-case basis and is not automatically guaranteed.

If a student requires an ADA accommodation due to a disability, they should contact the Center for Disability and Access (CDA). CDA will collaborate with the instructor to determine appropriate and reasonable ADA accommodations as needed.


Homeworks grading: Each homework contains a collection of questions worth one point. The evaluation is pass/fail where passing denotes a good-faith effort to accomplish the problem.  Fail (zero points) is given for no attempt or a fake/trivial attempt as deemed by the Instructors/TAs. The total number of points needed for the homework section is 100 points. Additional points earned will be counted as extra credit towards the final score (as a function of the homework percentage). 

Grading for this course:

The grading will be as follows: 

  • Participation (Tu/Th lectures evaluated through PollEverywhere): 10%
  • Homeworks (full credit is earned by amassing 100 points. 110 points are available.  Extra credit points are allowed and count towards the final grade): 30%
  • Exams (best two exam scores used with equal weighting): 30%
  • Final exam: 30%

Extra Credit: Opportunities for extra credit may be given on the tests and final exam at Instructors discretion.

Conduct violations: Students who are found to have violated the conduct of this class, as stated in the “Academic Misconduct” section, will be given a failing grade.

Letter grades: This class uses the grading scale shown below. 

Letter Scoring
A 100%    – 93%
A- 92.99% – 90%
B+ 89.99% – 87%
B 86.99% – 83%
B- 82.99% – 80%
C+ 79.99% – 77%
C 76.99% – 73%
C- 72.99% – 70%
D+ 69.99% – 67%
D 66.99% – 63%
D- 62.99% – 60%
E 59.99% – 0%

No rounding or curving: Please note that there will be no rounding or curving of grades in this course. Final grades will be calculated strictly based on the points earned throughout the semester, without any adjustments to individual scores.

Academic Misconduct

The purpose of the homework assignments in this course is to enhance the students' problem-solving skills and demonstrate their comprehension of the class material. Collaboration with fellow classmates for understanding problems and class concepts is permitted, allowing students to discuss high-level strategies for solving homeworks and pre-class Canvas quizzes. However, each student is required to individually write and formulate their own answers for the assignments.

When submitting their homework, each student must provide a list of the names of the classmates with whom they discussed the homework problems. This encourages transparency and acknowledges collaborative efforts in the learning process.

It is crucial to emphasize that each student is responsible for creating their own original work. Submitting another student's work as one's own constitutes academic misconduct and will result in failing the course. Upholding academic integrity is of utmost importance, and all students are expected to maintain honesty and individual effort in completing their assignments.

Academic honesty and use of generative AI. Students are expected to adhere to University of Utah policies regarding academic honesty, including but not limited to refraining from cheating, plagiarizing, misrepresenting one’s work, and/or inappropriately collaborating. This includes using generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools without citation, documentation, or authorization. Students are expected to adhere to the prescribed professional and ethical standards of the profession/discipline for which they are preparing. Any student who engages in academic dishonesty or who violates the professional and ethical standards for their profession/discipline may be subject to academic sanctions as per the University of Utah’s Student Code:

Cheating is taken very seriously. The teaching staff routinely checks submissions for signs of unauthorized collaboration. The instructor also has privileged access to online resources that can track students asking online questions related to the course homeworks and quizzes.

Definition of academic misconduct: As defined in the University Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities, academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, cheating, misrepresenting one's work, inappropriately collaborating, plagiarism, and fabrication or falsification of information. It also includes facilitating academic misconduct by intentionally helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic misconduct. A primary example of academic misconduct is submitting as one's own, work that is copied from another student or an outside source. (See Cheating Policy).

Academic misconduct is not:

  • Communicating with classmates about homework orally, in a spoken language like English.
  • Discussing the course material with others, so that they and you may understand it better.
  • Using the web and other resources for instruction beyond class, but not for outright solutions to homeworks or pre-class Canvas quizzes.
  • Working with a tutor, provided the tutor does not complete a homework or pre-class Canvas quiz for you.

Academic misconduct is:

  • Using generative AI tools, including ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Perplexity, to autocomplete work is academically dishonest, violates the University policies, and could possibly lead to various repercussions.
  • Asking a classmate to see their solution to a homework or pre-class Canvas quiz before submitting your own.
  • Viewing a classmate's solution and basing your own solution on it.
  • Giving or showing to a classmate a solution when it is them, and not you, who is struggling to solve it.
  • Providing or making available solutions to individuals who might take this course in the future.
  • Posting questions about homeworks or pre-class Canvas quizzes to any forums other than the Piazza class designated for this semester of CS 2100.
  • Posting solutions anywhere.
  • Searching for or soliciting outright solutions, including from students who took this course in the past.
  • Splitting a homework's workload with another individual and submitting a combination of their work and yours.
  • Looking at other students' work during a test or the final exam.
  • Searching for, soliciting, or viewing test or final exam questions or answers prior to taking that test/exam.
  • Using resources during a test or final exam beyond those explicitly allowed in the instructions.
  • Paying or offering to pay an individual for work that you may submit as (part of) your own.
  • Intentionally submitting a corrupted file as a scheme to get more time to work on a homework.

A good rule of thumb: In this course, if you engage in discussions with others regarding a homework assignment, it is crucial to refrain from writing or typing anything during those discussions. By doing so, you ensure that your final solution is entirely your own, genuinely reflecting your understanding of the course material. This practice promotes academic honesty and integrity, as your submitted work represents your individual effort and comprehension.

Uncertain about something: If you ever find yourself uncertain about what constitutes academic misconduct, you are strongly encouraged to reach out to the teaching staff for clarification. There is no penalty for seeking guidance and seeking clarification on any particular action, even if it pertains to academic misconduct. Proactively seeking assistance and understanding the boundaries of academic integrity help maintain an environment of trust and uphold the principles of fair and ethical academic conduct throughout the course.

Sanction for academic misconduct and appeals process: For academic misconduct in CS 2100, the sanction is to fail the course. Upon discovering the misconduct, the instructor discusses the infraction with the student within 20 days.  Within the next 10 days, the instructor gives written notice to the student describing the sanction and advising them of their right to appeal. The instructor also notifies the Director of the School of Computing and the Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs of the infraction and the sanction. Finally, a letter describing the infraction is placed in the student's School of Computing academic record. As described in the College of Engineering Academic Appeals and Misconduct Policy, the student has the right to appeal any academic action they feel is arbitrary and capricious.

Academic misconduct statement: Students are required to refer to the updated KSoC (CS/DS) undergraduate handbooks at on academic misconduct, which summarizes the School's policy. In accordance with the School of Computing's Policy Statement on Academic Misconduct dated January 10, 2012, the instructor will discuss the School's academic misconduct policy in the first two weeks of the course. Links to the policy statement is:

Strikes policy: The School of Computing has instituted a two-strikes and you're out cheating policy, meaning if you get caught cheating twice in any KSoC classes, you will be unable to take any future KSoC courses, and you will be dismissed from an KSoC degree program. Two lesser sanctions (anything less than a failing course grade) now accumulate to equal one "strike".  Students with one strike may not be assigned as TAs.

For a complete description of academic misconduct, please refer to the KSoC academic misconduct policy

For KSoC academic policies, please refer to

For a detailed description of the university policy on cheating, please see the University of Utah Student Code:

Appeals for Grades and Other Academic Actions

 If a student believes that an academic action is arbitrary or capricious, they should discuss the action with the involved faculty member within 20 days and attempt to resolve it.  If unable to resolve, the student may appeal the action in accordance with the following procedure:

  1. Appeal to Department Chair, who should be notified in writing within 40 working days; chair must notify the student of a decision within 15 days.  If the faculty member or student disagrees with the decision, then,
  2. Appeal to Academic Appeals Committee (see flyers posted in MEB and EMCB for committee members).  See II Section D, Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities for details on Academic Appeals Committee hearings.

Other Policies and Guidelines

Students are bound by the following policies and guidelines:

Students should read and understand each of these documents, asking questions as needed.

Kahlert School of Computing Code of Conduct

The open exchange of ideas and the freedom of thought and expression are central to the aims and goals of the Kahlert School of Computing. We are committed to providing a harassment-free, accessible, inclusive, and pleasant learning environment with equity in rights for all, where every student feels welcome, included, and safe.  This commitment applies to all members of the School of Computing community regardless of age, sex, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, (dis)ability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, nationality, marital status, military status, veteran status, religious beliefs, dietary requirements, medical conditions, pregnancy-related concerns, or childcare requirements. We also respect any other status protected by federal law.  We do not tolerate harassment of others in any way, shape, or form. We expect all interactions between students, faculty, and staff to be respectful and constructive, including interactions in classrooms, labs, CADE, and virtual spaces.

Reports of discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct should be made to the Office of Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action,, 383 South University St, Level 1 OEO Suite, 801-581-8365.

Students preferring confidential support for discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct should reach out to a Victim Survivor Advocate (, the University Counseling Center (, the University Hospital Chaplains (, or the Women’s Resource Center ( Note that with the exception of these four resources, employees of the University, including tutors and TAs are Mandatory Reporters required to report these instances. 

Students concerned because of an issue they are experiencing in a class (no published office hours, classes canceled for a week or more, etc.), should email (undergraduate students) or (graduate students). Messages to each email address are read by one academic advisor who keeps the student’s identity private, as needed, to support them and work to resolve the concern. 



Accommodations will be considered on an individual basis and may require documentation.

Please contact your instructor and/or teaching assistant as soon as possible (preferably shortly before the semester begins) to request accommodations of any kind.

Extreme personal circumstances

Please contact your instructor as soon as possible if an extreme personal circumstance
(hospitalization, death of a close relative, natural disaster, etc.) is interfering with your ability to
complete your work.

Religious Practice

To request an accommodation for religious practices, contact your instructor at the beginning of the semester.

Active Duty Military

If you are a student on active duty with the military and experience issues that prevent you from participating in the course because of deployment or service responsibilities, contact your instructor as soon as possible to discuss appropriate accommodations.

Disability Access

All written information in this course can be made available in an alternative format with prior notification to the Center for Disability Services (CDS). CDS will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations. Prior notice is appreciated. To read the full accommodations policy for the University of Utah, please see Section Q of the Instruction & Evaluation regulations.

If you will need accommodations in this class, contact:

Center for Disability Services
162 Union Building
    200 S. Central Campus Dr.
     Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Changes to the Syllabus

This syllabus is not intended to be a legally binding contract. Instead, it serves as a comprehensive outline and guidance for the course. Please be aware that the instructor retains the right to modify the syllabus at any time, provided reasonable notice of the changes is given to the students. Additionally, the Class Schedule may be adjusted as necessary to meet the specific needs of the class. Any updates or alterations will be communicated during lectures and/or posted on Canvas under Announcements.

If a student has any inquiries or uncertainties about the syllabus, it is the student’s responsibility to reach out to the instructor for clarification. Open communication with the instructor is encouraged to ensure a clear understanding of course expectations and policies throughout the semester.

Students will be notified of any changes to the Syllabus.

University Policies

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services, and activities for people with disabilities.

All written information in this course can be made available in an alternative format with prior notification to the Center for Disability & Access (CDA). CDA will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations. Prior notice is appreciated. To read the full accommodations policy for the University of Utah, please see Section Q of the Instruction & Evaluation regulations.

In compliance with ADA requirements, some students may need to record course content. Any recordings of course content are for personal use only, should not be shared, and should never be made publicly available. In addition, recordings must be destroyed at the conclusion of the course.

If you will need accommodations in this class, or for more information about what support they provide, contact:

Center for Disability & Access

  disability.utah.eduLinks to an external site.
  162 Union Building
  200 S. Central Campus Dr.
  Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Safety at the U

The University of Utah values the safety of all campus community members. You will receive important emergency alerts and safety messages regarding campus safety via text message. For more safety information and to view available training resources, including helpful videos, visit

To report suspicious activity or to request a courtesy escort, contact:

Campus Police & Department of Public Safety

  801-585-COPS (801-585-2677)
  1735 E. S. Campus Dr.
  Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Addressing Sexual Misconduct

Title IX makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex and gender (which includes sexual orientation and gender identity/expression) is a civil rights offense subject to the same kinds of accountability and the same kinds of support applied to offenses against other protected categories such as race, national origin, color, religion, age, status as a person with a disability, veteran’s status, or genetic information.

If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted, you are encouraged to report it to university officials: 

Title IX Coordinator & Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action

  135 Park Building
  201 Presidents' Cir.
  Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Office of the Dean of Students

  270 Union Building
  200 S. Central Campus Dr.
  Salt Lake City, UT 84112

To file a police report, contact:

Campus Police & Department of Public Safety

  801-585-COPS (801-585-2677)
  1735 E. S. Campus Dr.
  Salt Lake City, UT 84112

If you do not feel comfortable reporting to authorities, the U's Victim-Survivor Advocates provide free, confidential, and trauma-informed support services to students, faculty, and staff who have experienced interpersonal violence.

To privately explore options and resources available to you with an advocate, contact:

Center for Student Wellness

  328 Student Services Building
  201 S. 1460 E.
  Salt Lake City, UT 84112

Academic Misconduct

It is expected that students comply with University of Utah policies regarding academic honesty, including but not limited to refraining from cheating, plagiarizing, misrepresenting one’s work, and/or inappropriately collaborating. This includes the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools without citation, documentation, or authorization. Students are expected to adhere to the prescribed professional and ethical standards of the profession/discipline for which they are preparing. Any student who engages in academic dishonesty or who violates the professional and ethical standards for their profession/discipline may be subject to academic sanctions as per the University of Utah’s Student Code: Policy 6-410: Student Academic Performance, Academic Conduct, and Professional and Ethical Conduct.

Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and may be punished by failure on an individual assignment, and/or failure in the course. Academic misconduct, according to the University of Utah Student Code:

“...Includes, but is not limited to, cheating, misrepresenting one’s work, inappropriately collaborating, plagiarism, and fabrication or falsification of information…It also includes facilitating academic misconduct by intentionally helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic misconduct.”

For details on plagiarism and other important course conduct issues, see the U's Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.


UOnline Expectations

UOnline Student Expectations

Though the online format allows students greater flexibility to complete their work, this course does have a structure and timeline! As such, the following is expected of all students in this class:

  • Students must be self-motivated, organized, and willing to stay on top of their schedules. Students should take control of their learning while in this course.
  • Students are expected to follow the Core Rules of Netiquette at all times while participating in the class and communicating with others.
  • Students will log in to the course a minimum of 3 times per week.
  • Students are not expected to interact with their classmates in person. Students may be expected to work with classmates via online communication options like Canvas Discussions, video conferencing, or other communication technologies of choice (Zoom, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, etc).
  • Students will regularly check for course updates and will update their Canvas notification settings to ensure they receive timely notifications from the course.
  • Students will contact their instructor or teaching assistant promptly if they have any questions, are struggling with course materials, or need further assistance from their instructor.
    • If you do not hear back within 3 days after sending a message, please contact your instructor/TA again.
  • Students will follow all official University of Utah policies regarding interpersonal conduct, academic dishonesty, and other rights and responsibilities of students outlined in the University of Utah Student Handbook and Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

UOnline Instructor Expectations

Your course instructor is an expert in the topics you will learn about this semester. Your instructor is your mentor and facilitator of the classroom experience, aided by teaching assistants. Instructors are committed to:

  • The instructor will design the course to include lectures, learning materials, and assignments that are accessible and provide students with opportunities to learn and practice course content.
  • The instructor and teaching assistants will ensure that the course remains a safe space where students can engage with difficult content thoughtfully and respectfully.
  • The instructor and teaching assistants will interact with the class regularly via announcements, virtual office hours (one-on-one video conferencing), emails/the Canvas Inbox, feedback on assignments, and comments on Discussions, among other methods.
  • The instructor and teaching assistants will respond to students promptly: within 48 hours, not including weekends and holidays.
  • The instructor and teaching assistants will be available for an individual consultation via virtual office hours (one-on-one video conferencing), email, or phone and will not require students to meet in person.
  • The instructor and teaching assistants will provide relevant feedback promptly.
  • The instructor and teaching assistants will follow all official University of Utah policies regarding interpersonal conduct, accommodations, and other important duties.