Course Syllabus
The Universe
Instructor: | Dennis Soldin | Pre-requisites: | None |
Department: | Physics & Astronomy | Credit Hours: | 3.0 |
Email: | | Semester: | Spring 2025 |
Office: | INSCC 242 | ||
Lectures: | Tuesdays, 9:10-10:30 am | ||
Thursdays, 9:10-10:30 am | |||
JFB 101 Lectures are recorded, but attendance in person is expected! |
Office Hours: | Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30 am (after lecture) | ||
Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 am (after lecture) | |||
JFB 212A I am also happy to meet by appointment! |
Teaching Assistant: | Joey Lee | Office hours: | Wed, 12:00-1:00 pm | | JFB 209 | ||
Learning Assistants: | Amanda Alves | Office hours: | Mon, 12:00-1:00 pm | | JFB 209 | ||
Ari Duven | Office hours: | Fri, 12:45-1:45 pm | | | JFB 209 |
Course Description
The central theme for this course will be modern science’s attempt to understand the composition, nature and origin of the universe. Specific topics include navigating the night sky, early astronomy, stars, exotic stellar objects (white dwarfs, red giants, neutron stars, and black holes), supernova explosions, the origin of atomic elements, galaxies, giant radio sources, quasars, clusters of galaxies, the fabric of space and time, and Big Bang cosmology.
Course | ASTR/PHYS 1060 |
Department | Physics and Astronomy |
Pre-Requisites | None |
Credit Hours | 3 |
Semester | Spring 2025 |
General Education Designation | Physical/Life Science Exploration |
First Midterm | February 13, 9:10-10:30 am (in class, JFB 101) |
Second Midterm | March 27, 9:10-10:30 am (in class, JFB 101) |
Final Exam | April 29, 8:00-10:00 am (JFB 101) |
Goals & Objectives
My goal for you is to come away from this course with
(1) scientific reasoning skills that can be applied to a variety of fields;
(2) the ability to describe several significant discoveries throughout the history of astronomy;
(3) the ability to explain how measurements of various properties of astronomical objects are made;
(4) a conversational understanding of modern astronomy that will allow you to interpret and explain popular-level articles that describe new discoveries in astronomy; and
(5) a desire to learn more about the field!
Required Materials
We will be using the following materials in our course, in addition to Canvas:
- Electronic textbook/online homework platform: Understanding our Universe, by Stacy Palen (ebook) & Smartwork (homework platform). These are bundled together, and you will be billed around $30 for them through Instant Access along with your tuition. This ensures that you will have immediate access to them. In our Canvas course, there is a module called “ebook: Understanding our Universe”. You can access the entire ebook from the link in this module. If you would like a paper copy of the text, you can request a 3-hole punch version for $15. You do this by following the ebook link, then clicking on the gear in the upper right-hand corner of the ebook screen. There will be an option there to request a paper copy.
- Workbook: Learning Astronomy by Doing Astronomy (hard copy). You will need to purchase this workbook. The University bookstore will have it for you to purchase for about $15. Please make sure that the pages are all blank if you buy a previously used copy.
Please review the communication methods and requirements for this course:
Preferred Contact Methods
You can easily contact me using my email:
Office Hours
The instructor will hold office hours according to the following schedule:
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Time: 10:30-11:30 am
Location: JFB 212A
I am happy to meet with you by appointment as well!
The Teaching Assistant will hold office hours according to the following schedule:
Name of TA: Joey Lee
Day: Wednesday
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm
Location: JFB 209 (physics help lab)
The Learning Assistants will hold office hours according to the following schedule:
Name of LA: Amanda Alves
Days: Monday
Time: 12:00-1:00 pm
Location: JFB 209 (physics help lab)
Name of LA: Ari Duven
Days: Friday
Time: 12:45-1:45 pm
Location: JFB 209 (physics help lab)
Lecture Meeting
Tuesday and Thursday, 9:10am - 10:30am
JFB 101
Your performance in this course will be evaluated by:
Reading Quizzes (200 total points possible):
You are expected to read the textbook material before meeting with the class. This will make our class time together more beneficial to your learning, as you will have already been exposed to the material and we will be able to spend time in class to address questions that you have. Reading quizzes will be taken through Canvas. These will quiz you on the reading material for the day’s discussion in class, as well as tell me what you would like to cover in more detail during our discussion. Reading quizzes will be due by 8:00 am on most Tuesdays and Thursdays. There will be 26 reading quizzes throughout the semester. Your six lowest reading quiz grades will be dropped.
Tuesday In-Class Assignments (100 total points possible):
You will be doing active learning exercises or quizzes as part of our lecture days in class. There will be 6 of these in-class assignments throughout the semester. I will drop one of these from your overall score. In addition, there will be no active learning exercise in the first week of class or on the three weeks that feature an exam. These exercises will not necessarily be announced ahead of time, but students that cannot make a class for a legitimate reason (illness, emergency, pre-approved absence, etc.) will be able to make up the assignment.
Thursday Group Assignments (200 total points possible):
On most Thursdays you will be working through assignments in groups. Many of these will come from the Learning Astronomy by Doing Astronomy workbook. The others I will give to you as we go along. These will be exercises that are coordinated with the reading that is due that week. Each group will turn in one assignment. There will be no active learning exercise during the three weeks that feature an exam. You will turn in 12 of these for credit, each worth 20 points. The two assignments with the lowest scores will be dropped at the end of the semester.
Homework (200 total points possible):
There will be 12 homework assignments, each worth 20 points, due on most Sundays online by 11:59 pm. I will be giving you more information about these homework assignments during the first week of class. Your lowest two homework assignment grades will be dropped from your overall score.
Midterm Exams (400 total points possible):
There will be two midterm exams, each worth 200 points. The questions on the exams will be similar in style to the quiz questions, homework questions, and all of the in-class assignments. The exams will be given during our regular meeting time on the dates specified by the Semester Schedule. You may need to show a picture ID at the exams.
Final Exam (200 points):
The written portion of the final exam will be on April 29 (8:00-10:00 am) in JFB 101. It will cover all of the course material. You may need to show a picture ID to the final exam. If your final exam score is higher than your lowest midterm score, I will use this score to replace your lowest midterm score.
Extra Credit Opportunities:
You may complete up to four extra credit projects. I will make these available on the course Canvas website. These extra credit projects will not be accepted after the due dates.
Course Policies
Submitting Assignments
All assignments, unless otherwise announced, must be submitted to the designated area of Canvas. Do not submit assignments via email.
Late Assignments
There will be no make-up opportunities for work in the course (in-class quizzes, group assignments, homework, pre-lectures, and checkpoint quizzes). There are many assignments in each of these categories and it is too difficult to arrange for make-up work. Consider that several assignments are dropped, the final can be used to replace a midterm score, and there is a 40-point buffer of bonus points available; no one assignment is worth very much.
Grading for this course
I will be using the Canvas grade book to record your scores. Please check this grade book as the semester progresses and alert me of any discrepancies. You have until May 4 to notify me of any changes that need to be made. Your final grade will be based on the University of Utah grading scale (see below).
University of Utah grading scale
Letter | Scoring |
A | 100% - 94% |
A- | 93.9% - 90% |
B+ | 89.9%–87% |
B | 86.9%–84% |
B- | 83.9% - 80% |
C+ | 79.9%–77% |
C | 76.9%–74% |
C- | 73.9% - 70% |
D+ | 69.9%–67% |
D | 66.9%–64% |
D- | 63.9% - 60% |
E | 59.9%–0% |
Accommodations will be considered on an individual basis and may require documentation.
Please contact your instructor and/or teaching assistant as soon as possible (preferably shortly before the semester begins) to request accommodations of any kind.
Extreme personal circumstances
Please contact your instructor as soon as possible if an extreme personal circumstance (hospitalization, death of a close relative, natural disaster, etc.) is interfering with your ability to complete your work.
Religious Practice
To request an accommodation for religious practices, contact your instructor at the beginning of the semester.
Active Duty Military
If you are a student on active duty with the military and experience issues that prevent you from participating in the course because of deployment or service responsibilities, contact your instructor as soon as possible to discuss appropriate accommodations.
Disability Access
All written information in this course can be made available in an alternative format with prior notification to the Center for Disability Services (CDS). CDS will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations. Prior notice is appreciated. To read the full accommodations policy for the University of Utah, please see Section Q of the Instruction & Evaluation regulations.
If you will need accommodations in this class, contact:
Center for Disability Services
162 Union Building
200 S. Central Campus Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Changes to the Syllabus
This syllabus is not a contract! It is meant to serve as an outline and guide for your course. Please note that your instructor may modify it to accommodate the needs of your class.
You will be notified of any changes to the Syllabus!
University Policies
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The University of Utah seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services, and activities for people with disabilities.
All written information in this course can be made available in an alternative format with prior notification to the Center for Disability & Access (CDA). CDA will work with you and the instructor to make arrangements for accommodations. Prior notice is appreciated. To read the full accommodations policy for the University of Utah, please see Section Q of the Instruction & Evaluation regulations.
In compliance with ADA requirements, some students may need to record course content. Any recordings of course content are for personal use only, should not be shared, and should never be made publicly available. In addition, recordings must be destroyed at the conclusion of the course.
If you will need accommodations in this class, or for more information about what support they provide, contact:
Center for Disability & Access
disability.utah.eduLinks to an external site.
Third Floor, Room 350
Student Services Building
201 S 1460 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Safety at the U
The University of Utah values the safety of all campus community members. You will receive important emergency alerts and safety messages regarding campus safety via text message. For more safety information and to view available training resources, including helpful videos, visit
To report suspicious activity or to request a courtesy escort, contact:
Campus Police & Department of Public Safety
801-585-COPS (801-585-2677)
1735 E. S. Campus Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Addressing Sexual Misconduct
Title IX makes it clear that violence and harassment based on sex and gender (which includes sexual orientation and gender identity/expression) is a civil rights offense subject to the same kinds of accountability and the same kinds of support applied to offenses against other protected categories such as race, national origin, color, religion, age, status as a person with a disability, veteran’s status, or genetic information.
If you or someone you know has been harassed or assaulted, you are encouraged to report it to university officials:
Title IX Coordinator & Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action
135 Park Building
201 Presidents' Cir.
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Office of the Dean of Students
270 Union Building
200 S. Central Campus Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
To file a police report, contact:
Campus Police & Department of Public Safety
801-585-COPS (801-585-2677)
1735 E. S. Campus Dr.
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
If you do not feel comfortable reporting to authorities, the U's Victim-Survivor Advocates provide free, confidential, and trauma-informed support services to students, faculty, and staff who have experienced interpersonal violence.
To privately explore options and resources available to you with an advocate, contact:
Center for Student Wellness
350 Student Services Building
201 S. 1460 E.
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Academic Misconduct
It is expected that students comply with University of Utah policies regarding academic honesty, including but not limited to refraining from cheating, plagiarizing, misrepresenting one’s work, and/or inappropriately collaborating. This includes the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools without citation, documentation, or authorization. Students are expected to adhere to the prescribed professional and ethical standards of the profession/discipline for which they are preparing. Any student who engages in academic dishonesty or who violates the professional and ethical standards for their profession/discipline may be subject to academic sanctions as per the University of Utah’s Student Code: Policy 6-410: Student Academic Performance, Academic Conduct, and Professional and Ethical Conduct.
Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and may be punished by failure on an individual assignment, and/or failure in the course. Academic misconduct, according to the University of Utah Student Code:
“...Includes, but is not limited to, cheating, misrepresenting one’s work, inappropriately collaborating, plagiarism, and fabrication or falsification of information…It also includes facilitating academic misconduct by intentionally helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic misconduct.”
For details on plagiarism and other important course conduct issues, see the U's Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities.
The syllabus page shows a table-oriented view of the course schedule, and the basics of course grading. You can add any other comments, notes, or thoughts you have about the course structure, course policies or anything else.
To add some comments, click the "Edit" link at the top.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |