Practice Block for Exam 1

  • Due Feb 8, 2021 at 6:30pm
  • Points 2
  • Questions 1
  • Available Feb 8, 2021 at 4:55pm - Feb 12, 2021 at 5pm
  • Time Limit 30 Minutes
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Exam 1 will be made of multiple timed blocks given in Canvas quizzes just like this one.  This allows you to preview what the format will be like.  To get the real experience, print off or write the information here: practice-template.pdf. The code for this quiz is "practice1". During the actual exam, you will be given the code in Zoom.  More instructions are provided in the first two "questions".


Here is the list of trig identities that will be provided for the exam:

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