Cup Ball Launcher

  • Due No due date
  • Points _
  • Questions 4
  • Time Limit None


Using only a few household supplies, you can create a ball launcher that is sure to be entertaining!

Your Instructor: Keira

Difficulty: Easy

Length of Activity: 5 Minutes 

Parental Warnings: Knife and scissor use


  • Paper cup
  • Balloon
  • Ping pong ball (any small, lightweight ball will work)
  • Scissors
  • Knife
  • Empty bottles

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Written Instructions (Printable PDF)

  1. Ask an adult to help you cut the bottom off of the cup using a knife.
  2. Cut the top off of your balloon.
  3. Pull the balloon around the cut part of your cup.
  4. Tie the bottom of the balloon in a knot.
  5. Set up your bottles.
  6. Put your ball inside the cup and pull the knot.
  7. Try and shoot down the bottles!