Paper Bag Hats

  • Due No due date
  • Points _
  • Questions 4
  • Time Limit None


Make hats fit for the Mad Hatter’s tea party using paper bags and paint!

Your Instructor: Tia

Difficulty: Medium

Length of Activity: 1 hour

Parental Warnings: Requires paint; to avoid a mess, either decorate with washable markers or washable tempera paint instead of using acrylic paint.


  • Newspaper 
  • Paper Bag (grocery bag size)
  • Acrylic/Tempera Paints 
  • Paintbrushes
  • Disposable Cup for paint water
  • Tape
  • Pom-poms, stickers, ribbons & buttons for decoration 
  • Glue (liquid or gluestick)

Follow Along Below

Written Instructions (Printable PDF)

  1. Set up newspaper in the area you are going to be painting.
  2. Carefully remove the handles from a large paper grocery bag.
  3. Paint all sides of the large paper bag with opaque paint and place on newspaper to dry (this will take 15-30 minutes depending on how much paint you use).
  4. Once the paint is dry, open the paper bag and roll down from the top of the bag, pinching the sides of the bag together as you go. Continue until the opening fits comfortably on your head.
  5. Tape the rolled base of the hat to the body of the hat to prevent it from coming unrolled.
  6. Decorate your hat using either paint, stickers, or glue on decals such as pom-poms, buttons, pipe cleaners, and ribbons.
  7. Show off your awesome, funky, giant hat to your family.