Course: College Success Skills
University of Utah Student Success Resources: Links to an external site.
Student Success Advocates (UofU -- real people who will meet with you to work on solutions) Links to an external site. 801-587-8556
See UofU Learning Success Resources Links to an external site.
ECE Department
Department Website Links to an external site. (Check out the links under Student Resources)
Academic Advising Links to an external site.
Getting Involved
Student Clubs Links to an external site. (Join IEEE!)
College of Engineering MESA and Women in Engineering (WIE) programs Links to an external site.
MUSE (My University Signature Experience) Links to an external site.
Student Research
University of Utah Links to an external site.
Other (NSF REU Links to an external site. = Research Experiences for Undergraduates, all over the country (summer))
Student Innovation / Commercialization
University of Utah Lassonde Center Links to an external site.
University of Utah Technology Commercialization Office Links to an external site.
Internships & Jobs
ECE Student Job Page Links to an external site. (SIGN UP!)
Career Services Links to an external site.(SIGN UP!)
University of Utah Technology Commercialization Office Links to an external site.
Stress Management
See UofU Learning Success Resources Links to an external site.
Student Wellness Center- (Links to an external site.)- Physical, Mental, Academic Health programs and help.
“How to Make Stress Your Friend” (14:28 video) Links to an external site.
Psychologist Kelly McGonigal discusses new research that reveals that how we view stress may be more important (in terms of its impact) than the stress itself.
“Struggle for Smarts?” (8:37 podcast) Links to an external site.
This fascinating story from NPR's Morning Edition invites students to consider their view of the role of struggle in the learning process. The implication is that simply adjusting one's mindset can make an important difference!
Action Plan: Stressors, Solutions, Resources (Word document) Links to an external site.
A form for identifying sources of stress in multiple domains of one’s life, relevant resources for addressing each, and potential solutions.
Test Taking
See UofU Learning Success Resources Links to an external site.
Test Anxiety Management (web page) Links to an external site.
A self-guided program for managing test anxiety offered by the Academic Resource Center at Utah State University. It includes attention to Preparation, Assessment (of the sources of anxiety), Strategies, and Stress Management (P.A.S.S.).
In this textbook excerpt, the authors offer a powerful set of strategies for strengthening test-taking skills, including managing test-anxiety. Includes attention to what to do before, during, and after an exam.
EXAMS -- If you got a score lower than you like:
- Did you understand the material and just make a silly mistake? If so, you will probably do better the next time. Practice the 'similar problems' a little more, so that you can do them more quickly. Then you will feel you can take your time and relax a little more while you do the exam.
- Did you 'freeze up' and have trouble thinking? This is pretty common, so don't panic, you are not alone. Maybe a little more practice, especially practice with friends where you ask each other questions, may help. If it is more serious than that, there is help at the university on test anxiety: and USU has good online resources as well: The student counseling center (Links to an external site.)can also help you with an individualized plan to manage test anxiety.
- Or did you not really understand one or more of the concepts? If there was a concept you did not understand, please make a plan and schedule time on your calendar (really plan!) for time to learn that concept. Many students who struggled on the exam also indicated they spent only a small amount of time (under 10 hours a week) on the class. (17 hours a week, including the 6 hours you should be spending in class and lab) would be a typical good study schedule for this class.) It takes time thinking and practicing to learn this material. The homework problems are meant to be absolutely minimal, giving you a single practice on each concept. But if you don't get it with one problem, please do more of the 'similar problems' for practice. Or make up some of your own. You can find the voltages, resistances, and currents everywhere in any circuit now, with the help of Multisim.
- If you are spending the time, and using the videos/texts/online materials, but are still struggling with the material, please come see me, or come see the TAs and tutors Tutoring Hours for help. We are here to help you learn.
- It is VERY COMMON to struggle with one or several concepts in an engineering class, this one included. Please plan the time, and come ask for the help.
Time Management
See UofU Learning Success Resources Links to an external site.
“How to Manage Time, Reduce Stress, and Increase Happiness” (9:55 video) Links to an external site.
This video effectively introduces several key principles of time management. It was created by a college professor for college students.
Assignment Tracking Sheet: Week-at-a-Glance (Word document) Links to an external site.
A simple, easily-adapted document for keeping track of assignments due in multiple classes. Can work well if you prefer to track your assignments on paper, rather than on a computer. Adapt and print all you need for the term!
Assignment Tracking Sheet: Semester-at-a-Glance (Word document) Links to an external site.
A simple, easily-adapted document for keeping track of assignments due in multiple classes. Allows for the entire semester to be visible on a single page.
Weekly Schedule Form (Word document) Links to an external site.
A simple, easily-adapted document for creating a detailed schedule for a full week. Each day is presented in 30 minute increments.
Creating Goal Cards (pdf) Links to an external site.
A simple method for writing achievable goals. Includes the important dimensions of motivation, time frame, and resources.
3-Day Time Monitor (Word document) Links to an external site.
Provides a way to record activities in thirty minute increments for three full days and a simple method for analyzing the data in order to assess how effectively one is using their time.
Stop Procrastinating: Take Charge of Your College Experience (pdf) Links to an external site.
A simple exercise for addressing procrastination. Acknowledges that procrastination is often situation specific.
Covey’s Time Management Grid (pdf) Links to an external site.
A brief primer on how to use Covey’s Time Management Grid to organize priorities.
More Resources
Here are several other free, online resources for Improving Your College Success. Think these don't apply to you? Think again. Lots of good tips and tricks here that can help you do your very best.
Utah State University Academic Resource Center Idea Sheets Links to an external site.
MindTools Links to an external site.(Time Management and Stress Management are two good ones)
BPCC College Success Skills online course Links to an external site.
Being Successful in College Links to an external site.(free online textbook)
Computer Labs & Help
UofU Computer Help Desk (Links to an external site.)including Setting an email alias (Links to an external site.) (to forward your UU email)
Software Licensing (Links to an external site.) (cheap/free software for students and faculty)
UofU Campus Store (see UTECH) (Links to an external site.)
College of Engineering computer labs and support (Links to an external site.)
ECE Computer Lab (Links to an external site.) MEB 2555